
Home is a safe place. Why I have a Home Office.


My counseling psychology Master’s Degree program required 100 hours of personal therapy, and I found a Jungian analyst nearby. We held sessions in her home’s comfortable den, adorned with paintings, sculptures and two tall oak bookcases. She was a petite older woman, casually-dressed with pure [...]

Home is a safe place. Why I have a Home Office.2020-03-23T20:15:15-07:00

Suffering is Optional – Downloadable Poster


You have the opportunity to raise your consciousness from anxiety and depression to peace of mind and optimism. Sober Buddha Counseling teaches you how to shift your attention from problems and limitations to the uplifting energies of love, compassion and forgiveness.  Through the Sober Buddha [...]

Suffering is Optional – Downloadable Poster2020-03-08T12:07:07-07:00

Aha! Spray – The Psychotherapy Patient’s Miracle


Therapists and patients often suffer burnout when it’s time for that dreaded end-of-the-day 6:00 p.m. appointment. Compassion fatigue can leave them flat, unmotivated. What can you do when four cups of coffee, three Red Bulls and deep yoga breathing techniques don’t perk you up? Aha! [...]

Aha! Spray – The Psychotherapy Patient’s Miracle2020-03-15T08:31:16-07:00

Counseling provides a safe refuge for exhausted souls


When you’re so burned out that everything feels like a mini-trauma, you will benefit from counseling that feels safe and nonjudgmental, a real respite from whatever anxiety is happening in the rest of your life. “Safe” means the person you counsel with, the setting for [...]

Counseling provides a safe refuge for exhausted souls2020-03-08T12:05:04-07:00

The Wetiko Virus – A Paul Levy Review by Michael Hoffman


Paul Levy has always been a spiritual influencer on me.  If you like outside-the-box, courageous writers, I suggest you get a copy of Paul Levy’s 350-page mindbender, Dispelling Wetiko – Breaking the Curse of Evil. Paul is one of those brave psychologists who champions the [...]

The Wetiko Virus – A Paul Levy Review by Michael Hoffman2020-03-08T12:02:47-07:00


43 Saint Michael, Dana Point, CA 92629-4132

Phone: 949-212-4149


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